Feb 14, 2024 | Johanna Stefanick | 896 views
OLA Night with the Toronto Rock
London Minor Lacrosse is excited to announce OLA Night with the Toronto Rock on Saturday April 13th 7:30pm as they face the Rochester Knighthawks.
Tickets this year are $45 in the corners and $35 in the ends with $5 going back to your lacrosse organization
To purchase tickets please click the following link
London OLA group code:https://am.ticketmaster.com/torontorock/quickbuy?id=NTk1
As an added bonus the organization with the most tickets sold will receive our afternoon turf group experience that day! This will allow the organization to use it as a skills clinic day, practice, a scrimmage etc. to give the kids a chance to experience playing on the same floor as the pros!
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this event.
We hope to see lots of Blue Devil fans in the crowd!