Apr 16, 2015 | kdew | 1093 views
2015 LMLA House League Guidelines and Suspensions
From the Referee-In-Chief:
Players and parents, please familiarize yourselves with the 2015 LMLA House League Guidelines and Suspension information. This will be reviewed on HL Orientation Day.
· No player is allowed to score more than 4 goals in a game. The 5th and any subsequent goals are disallowed, possession at center to non-offending team.
· Any 3 penalties in 1 game garners an automatic 10 minute game misconduct (4th penalty). 5th penalty is a game expulsion.
· All 5 minute major penalties carry an automatic game misconduct.
· All game misconducts: The player is suspended for the next game as well.
· Match or gross penalties: Minimum 3 game suspension (reviewed by R.I.C. and HL director).
· Fighting: 1st offence – 3 game suspension 2nd offence – suspended for the year (no refund)
These guidelines are also available in our Library, under Parent Resources.