House League (London Minor Lacrosse Association)

PrintHouse League


Mission Statement

The London Minor Lacrosse Association (LMLA) is committed to providing good spirited
competition at all levels. Each player will be given the opportunity to develop his or her skills in a
safe and positive environment. This will be provided through the committed cooperation of
players, parents, coaches and officials.


The LMLA feels that lacrosse is not only a fun and exciting sports activity but also a healthy and
positive alternative for our young people's fitness and personal development.

In keeping with this philosophy, the general aim of our association is to encourage growth in our
association with the primary concern being player development. This development can be
achieved by broadening our base (eg. increasing our numbers at the house league level)
without jeopardizing the development of the competitive player.

The key to this grassroots movement requires commitment and leadership on the part of the
executive and competitive coaches, as well as increased involvement of volunteers within our

PEANUT - U5 2021-2022 FREE FREE
U9 2017-2018 $325 $375
U11 2015-2016 $425 $475
U13 2013-2014 $425 $475
U15 2011-2010
$425 $475

*  Please email [email protected] regarding interest in U17

PEANUT - U5 Tuesday Tuesday TBD NICHOLS
U9 Wednesday Wednesday TBD NICHOLS 
U11 Wednesday Wednesday TBD NICHOLS
U13 Wednesday Wednesday TBD NICHOLS
U15/U17 Wednesday Wednesday TBD NICHOLS

PEANUT - U5 Season will run from May 3 - June 21
U7 - U15 Season April 23 - June 25
Evaluations April 25 - April 28
Pre-Season Team Practices April 25 - May 9
Exhibition Season May 11 - May 18
Regular Season May 25 - June 23
Victoria Day Holiday No Lacrosse Monday May 20
Day of Champions Saturday June 22

Short Term Goals

To grow the game of lacrosse in the City of London which will be measured by the addition of a stable House League U17 division.

To implement a clear development plan that better aligns with the Canadian Lacrosse Association’s Long-Term Athlete Development model.

To develop players for our representative program in support of the long term goal to be a highly competitive program in Ontario.

Long Term Goal

To become a recognized and highly competitive program across all age divisions in
Ontario that will be measured by higher rankings in our representative program.

Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy

There will be a Zero Tolerance Policy of anyone responsible for physical or verbal abuse
directed towards officials, coaching staff, players, and other spectators before, during or at any
time after the game.

If a parent, player or spectator is disrupting the game or verbally or physically abusing any
player, member of the coaching staff, official, or other spectator, the game shall be stopped and
the offender ejected from the arena. If a person refuses to leave the arena, the game will be
held until such time as they do. If a person continues to refuse the referee will inform the arena
staff who will in turn call the police to have them charged with trespassing and escorted from the
facility. The referees will include the names and address of the offender on the game sheet and
they will be banned from the facility for the reminder of the lacrosse season. The referees will be
informed of this policy prior to the games and asked to adhere to this policy.

London Minor Lacrosse Association encourages fair play, friendly competition and the
opportunity for all to enjoy the game of Lacrosse without fear of harassment or physical harm.

Head Coach Duties


  • Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • Represent LMLA at all practices and all exhibition, regular season, and championship games.
  • Act as a liaison between coaches/players/parents and the House League Director.
  • Head coaches may staff up to four (4) other bench personnel for a total of five (5) bench staff.
  • Supply game sheets if needed.
  • Home team coach will ensure referees and timekeepers are present for all divisional
    games. Contact the Referee in Chief if referees do not arrive 10 minutes in advance of game time.
    Referee in Chief: Tyson Schierholtz
  • Home team coach will provide referee with two game balls.
  • Monitor officiating, coaches, players and spectators. Report any incidents.
  • File injury reports.
  • Report immediately to the House League Director any incidents (on or off the floor) or suspensions. Supply a written report within 24 hours.
  • Ensure facilities are safe for game play.
  • Notify the Equipment Director of any problems with goalie equipment.


Head Coach and Assistant Coach Duties


  • Bench personnel must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • All bench personnel must submit a current criminal record check before the season begins or a signed declaration form if LMLA has a criminal record check on file.
  • Assistant practice coaches may be under 18 years of age.
  • No one adult shall be allowed in a change room alone. At any time a child is required to enter a change room they must be accompanied by two adults. An adult is someone over the age of 18.
  • Ensure that all players have the required protective equipment and that all pieces are in satisfactory repair, sized and worn so as to offer the protection that they are designed to provide.
  • Continually strive to upgrade his/her knowledge of the sport by attending clinics, reading, observing, and sharing with other experienced coaches.


Vulnerable Sector Check

First time coaches with the LMLA will be required to provide a Vulnerable Sector Check at the LMLA’s cost. Returning coaches must sign a declaration stating to the best of their knowledge their Vulnerable Sector Check should not have changed. Declaration forms are available on the LMLA website.

**All LMLA coaches will be required to provide a Vulnerable Sector Check every four (4) years.**

Player Evaluations

To ensure that all players are having fun and learning the game of lacrosse, each player will be
evaluated prior to the first regular season game. Head coaches will evaluate each player and
teams will be built as equitably as possible by way of a draft facilitated by the House League

Team Placement Requests

Requests to be placed on specific teams are not accepted because the LMLA policy is to create
teams that are equitable. We will, however, ensure that siblings in the same age division are
placed on the same team. The lacrosse schedule is designed to assist families that carpool
because all games and practices in each division are scheduled at the same time and location.

Player Eligibility

All players must be registered and approved by the LMLA as members in good standing.

Day of Champions

Regular season standings will be kept for all divisions except Paperweight. Two (2) points will
be awarded for a win, One (1) point for a tie, and zero (0) points for a loss. Day of Champions
matchups will be determined as follows: 1st vs. 2nd and 3rd vs. 4th.
In the event of a three (3) team league, the 2nd and 3rd place teams will compete in a semifinal
game. The 1st place team will receive a bye to the championship final game.

In the event of a tie in points after the regular season games, the following procedure will be
followed until a winner is declared:
(a) Divide the goals for by the total of the goals for and goals against. The team with the
highest percentage will be declared the winner.
(b) The result of the games between the teams involved will determine the winner.
(c) The team that scored the first goal in the game between the tied teams will be declared
the winner.
(d) The team with the least penalty minutes will be declared the winner.

Game Time

Games will be allocated a one hour time period. Games will consist of three (3), 15 minute
running time periods. Teams will be given a three (3) minute warm-up time that will begin at the
start of the one hour allocated time period. Three (3) minutes will be given between each period.

Line changes

Paperweight divisions will use a three (3) minute buzzer to indicate line changes. All other
divisions will change on the fly.
Floor Time
It is the policy of the LMLA and a requirement that all house league coaches provide equitable
floor time to all players during games. (Equitable means as equal as possible under a
reasonable effort by the coach and his/her staff). Coaching staff that are non-compliant may be
suspended or dismissed.


Players will rotate through the goalie position when a team does not have a dedicated goalie.
The Head Coach will assign the first goalie rotation to the player with the birth date closest to
January 1st if no player volunteers to begin the rotation. Goalies are expected to wear the
goaltending equipment in the practice preceding the game for which they are to be the goalie.

Player Goal Limit

There is a 4 goal limit per player per game that applies at all House League levels.  Upon scoring an ineligible goal, play shall be stopped and change of possession given to the non-offending team. The limit will be waived in tournament play, if overtime is required.


The penalized player(s) will serve the full duration of a penalty (e.g.: two (2) minutes for a minor
penalty) and teams will play short-handed for the duration of the penalty unless scored upon.
Penalty time shall not begin until the first resumption of play following the penalty.

Teams shall play full strength following coincidental penalties.

Any player receiving 6 minutes of penalties in one game (not including a 10 minute misconduct)
will be automatically assigned a game misconduct. This player will not be able to compete for
the remainder of the game. The offending team must have one player, who was present on the
floor at the time of the penalty, to serve the penalty.

Any player receiving a game misconduct penalty (other than for 6 minutes of penalties) in the
last period of a game, or immediately following a game, will be suspended for the next house
league game.

Any player using profane or indecent gestures before, during, or immediately following a game
will be assessed a two (2) minute minor penalty plus either a game misconduct or a gross
misconduct penalty. Gross misconduct penalties will require a referee’s report to be written.
Any player who is penalized for fighting and/or intent to injure shall receive a game misconduct
plus a 3 (three) game suspension. The referees must write up all such penalties and head
coaches must report these incidents to the House League Director. If a player commits a
second offence, the player will be suspended from ALL games AND practices for the remainder
of the season. No money will be refunded for suspended players.

30 second shot clock

The 30 second shot clock will be used for the U11 to U15 Divisions.

10 Second Rule

 If you have a penalty you only have 10 seconds to get it out of your end into the opposing end
past the restraining line. The 10-second penalty rule will not be enforced in the Paperweight-U7  or
U9 divisions.


Timeouts will not be permitted during any regular season game. A two (2) minute delay of game
penalty will be given to the bench if any coach or player requests a timeout.
One thirty (30) second timeout will be permitted by each on the Day of Champions.


All players are required to remove any jewelry before walking on to the floor. If jewelry cannot be
removed, players cover the jewelry with tape.


The House League Director may suspend any player, coach, assistant, trainer or manager with
just cause.

Any person suspended has the right to appeal with the LMLA board of directors. Appeals must
be written or electronically sent within 72 hours of the issue taking place to any Executive Board
member. Parents may make an appeal on behalf of their child. The Executive Board must
respond within seven (7) days of receiving the appeal. The player or Executive Board may
request that the appeal be heard verbally. In such cases, parents (or parent designate), and
another individual approved by the parents, may accompany the child. The decision reached by
the Executive Board will be considered final.


Click Here to see OLA equipment PDF diagram

It is the responsibility of the LMLA Equipment Director to provide each Head Coach with team
jerseys, goaltending equipment and approved lacrosse balls for practices and games.
Any issues with goalie equipment should be brought to the immediate attention of the
Equipment Director.
All supplied goaltending equipment remains the property of the LMLA and must be returned at
the conclusion of the season.
All players on the playing surface, the player’s bench, or penalty box MUST wear approved
equipment at all times. CSA approved helmets with full-face masks and properly fixed
chinstraps and mouth guards are mandatory for ALL players at ALL times during games and
practices. Goalies must wear an approved throat protector and must also wear a mouth guard.