Apr 19, 2015 | dhoefnagels | 681 views
Welcome to the 2015 Season
Hello parents and players!
And welcome to an exciting year of lacrosse. We are looking forward to enhancing your childs previous knowledge and skills set.
If you are interested in helping on the floor, THANK YOU!! Many hands makes for light work and we have a large team. In order to be on the floor, one of the necessary steps is
to obtain a police check. The Vulnerable Check Letter from LMLA is found on the home page, on the right near the bottom, under the caption "LMLA forms and Documents." You will need this when submitting your police check form
There may be some movement of players within the first 3 weeks. We have done our best to balance the teams however, if we have a team that is losing by a landslide and a team that is dominating, we will move 1 - 2 players in order to balance the teams and the division.
We have a permanent goalie however, if our goalie cannot make a game, we will have a player fill-in for 1 game. The person selected will be alphabetically, starting from Z and moving backwards.
The first 3 practices will consist of basic catching, throwing, positioning and simple drills. We need to build a foundation on which to build. As the season progresses, the drills will be more complex and team specific offensive/defensive tactics will be stressed and incorporated.
Thank you for your time and commitment.
We are looking forward to a great year.
Dave Hoefnagels